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Universal or not Universal?

If you want to build Mumble as universal binary you will first have to build all dependencies as universal binary.


To build Mumble you will need:

Compiling pkg-config

This is just a build tool, so you do not have to build it as universal binary. Download and unpack pkg-config.

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/pkgconfig (choose a path you like)
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
./configure && make && sudo make install 

To make the path permanent add the following line to your ~/.profile file:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig

Also add a path entry to the pkg-config binary to this file:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

Compiling QT

Download an unpack QT. Run

./configure -universal -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-libpng

in the QT dir. If configure is successful run

make && sudo make install

QT will be installed to /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.3.X or similar.

To make the QT tools visible add the following line to your ~/.profile file:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.3.X/bin

Compiling Boost

As Mumble only uses some Boost headers you do not have to build/install this. Just unpack Boost.

Compiling Portaudio

This builds universal by default. So just download, unpack and:

./configure && make

For the Mumble build system to find this you will have to modify the included, rename it to portaudio-2.0.pc and put it in you PKG_CONFIG_PATH. My portaudio-2.0.pc file looks like this:

FIXME: include this information

Building Mumble

Fetch the Mumble source from SVN. First build speex by changing into the speexbuild subdirectory and running:

qmake && make

After that change to the src/mumble subdirectory. Here you might have to change some parameters in, so open it in a text editor. Change the path in the line:

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/boost-1_34/

to the path where your boost headers are located.

then run:

qmake -nocache -config release -spec macx-xcode

after that you can:

open mumble.xcodeproj

In XCode switch to Release target and press the build button. If this finishes without errors you have done everything right and the finished application is located in the subdir src/mumble/build/Release of the main mumble sourcedir.

Distributing Mumble

To include all the needed dependencies in the mumble application bundle you can use the following shell script:

FIXME: include this information

You will have to change the locations of the linked libraries with a texteditor and set the QTDIR environment variable. The output is a nice little .dmg file with you application bundle inside.