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Positional audio

Please note that Mumble works with all games as a regular voice chat application.

The games below are the ones we've added positional sound support for, so that the voice of your teammates come from their direction in game. To enable specific game support, go to Configure|Settings|Plugins and check "Link to Game and Transmit Position" then go to Configure|Settings|Audio Output check "Positional Audio". If you use a headset or headphones then check "Headphones".

If you do not want a specific game enabled then simply remove the plugin's .dll file from the Program Files\Mumble\plugins directory. It is possible that some plugins are outdated in the current release, in that case please check the lists below.

Please note that we won't update the plugins for Mumble 1.1.8

As a result of the development of the Mumble compatibility client for Mumble 1.2, it is suggested that you install a Mumble snapshot from here if you wish to use the latest game plugin updates for Mumble. Simply start Mumble 1.2, wait for the plugin auto-updater to finish, then start Mumble 1.1.x. If there is no update for the plugin, simply create a bugreport here or try to update it by your own.

Are you an active Mumble user and would like to see support for additional games? Then submit it as a feature request on sourceforge. Please note that we'll only be able to add support for games we actually own (demos have different offsets from release versions, so they don't count), and adding a game can take a substantial ammount of time, so we'll have to prioritize.

If you want to add support for a game and you are able to modify the source of this game you can use the Link plugin.

Supported Games


Games supported in the current releases:

Game Version Platform Filename Mumble 1.1.8 Mumble 1.2 / 1.1.x
Age of Chivalry Build 3740 Win32 aoc.dll Yes Yes
Battlefield 2 1.41 Win32 bf2.dll Yes Yes
Battlefield 2142 1.50 Win32 bf2142.dll Not available Yes
Call of Duty 2 1.3 Win32 cod2.dll Update here Yes
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.7.568 Win32 cod4.dll Update here Yes
Call of Duty: World at War 1.6.1252 Win32 cod5.dll outdated Yes
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 1.0.159 Win32 codmw2.dll Not available Yes
Counter-Strike: Source Build 3945 Win32 css.dll outdated Yes
Day of Defeat Source Build 3930 Win32 dods.dll Update here Yes
Dystopia Build 3698 Win32 dys.dll outdated Yes
Garry's Mod 11 Build 3791 Win32 gmod.dll Update here Yes
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Build 3945 Win32 hl2dm.dll outdated Yes
Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat Build 3698 Win32 insurgency.dll Yes Yes
Left 4 Dead Build 3986 Win32 l4d.dll outdated Yes
Team Fortress 2 Build 3950 Win32 tf2.dll outdated Yes
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60b Win32 wolfet.dll Update here Yes

Native support

Games supported in the current stable release through the Link plugin:

Game Version Mumble 1.1.8 Mumble 1.2 / 1.1.x
Warsow ? Yes Basic support
Sauerbraten ? Yes Basic support
ioquake3 ? Yes Basic support
Regnum-Online ? Yes Basic support
Revenge of the Cats: Ethernet >= prototype 1.6 Yes Basic support
ezQuake 2.0 alpha Yes Basic support

"Basic support" means that the games don't use the extended positional audio features of Mumble 1.2


If you would like to disable the overlay for a certain game (because you do not want it in that particular game, or that game has issues with the overlay), and do not want to disable the overlay altogether, put a file named nooverlay (without any extensions) in the same folder as the game executable is located. This will tell Mumble that you do not want the overlay in this particular game. Please note you must be running Mumble 1.1.5 or later.

Games that are known to have major issues with the Mumble overlay:

  • Combat Arms (overlay causes CA to crash after map changes; overlay will not display unless one joins a server and then leaves it)
  • Supreme Commander (Multiplayer)
  • Vanguard (crashes to desktop when overlay is enabled)
  • Guitar Hero 3 (when using overlay, major latency and frame skipping under certain conditions)

Games that are known to have minor issues with the Mumble overlay:

  • Any of the "Dawn of War" series (overlay will not display)

Programs that are known to have issues with the Mumble overlay are:

  • Xfire (note, this issue has been fixed and is not present in Mumble 1.1.7 or later)