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=Getting and Installing Mumble=
This page shows you directions on how to install Mumble (client) as well as Murmur (server).
=Download and Install Mumble and Mumble-Server (aka Murmur)=
Download the latest stable version of Mumble from the [https://www.mumble.info/downloads/ Official Website].<br> 
The installer will guide you through the installation and configuration of Mumble.   
Alternatively you can download and run the latest MSI installer (mumble-1.x.x.msi; "winx64" for the 64-bit version) from the [https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/releases GitHub releases page].<br>   
''Note:'' Releases that include the term "RC" are '''R'''elease''' C'''andidates and therefore Test Versions.
Just head to [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147372 SourceForge downloads page], get the Windows executable and run it. Follow the installer instructions and you are done.
'''Mumble-Server (aka Murmur):'''<br> 
The Mumble-Installer includes an option to install the Mumble-Server.
==Mac OS X==
Download the latest stable version of Mumble from the [https://www.mumble.info/downloads/ Official Website].<br>
The server binaries are included in the Mumble installer. In the latest snapshots of Mumble, one now has the ability to only install Murmur.
Alternatively you can download the latest version from the: [https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/releases GitHub releases page]. <br>   
''Note:'' Releases that include the term "RC" are '''R'''elease''' C'''andidates and therefore Test Versions.
Also, you can build Mumble yourself from source as described in [[BuildingWindows]].
In order to be able to use the '''[[Overlay]]''' it has to be installed separately. <br>
To install it: launch Mumble, go into ''Mumble's settings'' -> Overlay section and you should see an ''option to install it''.<br>
The reason for the separate installation is that Mumble itself does not need administrative rights to install, but the overlay does.
If you are interested in only setting up a working Murmur server, read [http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Murmurguide this guide] that explains exactly how to set up a Murmur server on Windows.
'''Mumble-Server (aka Murmur):'''<br>
You can download a static version of the Mumble-Server from the [https://www.mumble.info/downloads/ Official Website].<br>
Some Linux distributions already have Mumble packaged so that an easy installation is possible. Check your package manager of your distribution for Mumble. But sometimes those packages are not up to date. So if you want more in-depth information about installing Mumble for Linux read up on [[BuildingLinux]]. Installation from source (git and tarball) is  described there.
On the most popular Linux distributions, Mumble should be available in the official repositories or third-party repositories. <br>
For Details, take a look at the distribution-sections below. <br>
If no package is available, take a look at the [[Installing Mumble#Snap_Package_.28for_various_Distributions.29|Snap]]- and [[Installing_Mumble#Flatpak_Package_.28for_various_Distributions.29|Flatpak]]-packages below (which will run on various distributions) or you can try to compile Mumble, see Section: [[Installing_Mumble#Building_Mumble|Building-Mumble]].
==== Debian ====
=== Debian ===
To install Mumble from the Debian Repository, run:
On both Debian-based and Ubuntu-based distributions using the mumble-server package, the database for Murmur (''mumble-server.sqlite'') is at ''/var/lib/mumble-server'', should you wish to back your database up in case of data failure.
apt-get install mumble
For the Mumble-Server, run:
Debian Testing (lenny) includes the latest official Mumble packages, and is the officially maintained version. New packaging efforts are encouraged to base their file layout and usernames on what is used here, to make third-party packages easier to port. To install:
apt-get install mumble-server
sudo aptitude install mumble
|message=The ''mumble-server''-Package on Debian and Debian-based distributions (i.a. Ubuntu) will start automatically on system-start.<br>
You can disable the autostart with systemd.
You find details in the file "README.Debian".
==== Ubuntu ====
'''Server and web applications'''
The Ubuntu Repositories include a Mumble version from the time when the Ubuntu Version was released, thus it might be outdated. <br>
sudo aptitude install mumble-server mumble-server-web
We also maintain a [https://launchpad.net/~mumble/+archive/release PPA] ([https://launchpad.net/~mumble/+archive/release stable]) with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
the recent versions of Mumble.<br>
If you want to try the latest development version, you can use the: ([https://launchpad.net/~mumble/+archive/snapshot dev snapshots])
''People who are connected to your Mumble server can go to <nowiki>http://</nowiki><your IP or domain>/mumble/register.cgi to register with the server through a web interface.
To add the PPA use:
''They can also upload a custom texture that will be displayed in the Mumble game overlay from this page.
''Any 600x60 PNG image will work, but if you have an alpha channel on in, it will have transparency.
''<nowiki>http://</nowiki><your IP or domain>/mumble/ shows the list of users in your Mumble server.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mumble/release
sudo apt-get update
To install the client you can use:
sudo apt-get install mumble
Mumble v1.1.6-x86 for Debian Stable ('Etch', 4.0r5) is available at http://Vocis.K1T.NET/
to install and configure the server use:
Below are guidelines how to run Murmur (so its just a server) on Etch release, but its not a completely described solution.
* sudo or su, ability to compile applications from source.
* already configured apache2 with php5
* mumble static with Ice support
* some spare time
First we're going to get some packages needed to install Ice and IcePHP:
apt-get install libdb4.4-dev
apt-get install pkg-congig
apt-get install libbz2-dev
Let's keep stuff in the single directory, enter it:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
Now we download sources of Ice and IcePHP 3.2.0 version:
wget http://www.zeroc.com/download/Ice/3.2/Ice-3.2.0.tar.gz
wget http://www.zeroc.com/download/Ice/3.2/IcePHP-3.2.0.tar.gz
Unpack it:
tar zxf Ice-3.2.0.tar.gz
tar zxf IcePHP-3.2.0.tar.gz
And then compile Ice:
cd Ice-3.2.0
If the compilation returns an error then see the console for the information, probably you will need some extra packages with sources. Google a lot.
If compilation is successful then test the build.
make test
If everything is ok then install it:
make install
By default it will install in /opt/Ice-3.2.0
Now time to compile IcePHP
cd ..
cd IcePHP-3.2.0
export ICE_HOME=/opt/Ice-3.2.0
make install
In the result you should have the file /opt/IcePHP-3.2.0/lib/IcePHP.so, so copy it to the php5 modules dir - probably something like /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/
The ~/src is not used anymore.
Now time to add config to the php5, create file /etc/php5/conf.d/ice.ini and chek the path to the IcePHP.so and the Mumble.ice taken from mumble installation:
Reload apache2 and see if the php loaded Ice by pinting your browser to some page with phpinfo().
=== Ubuntu ===
==== Official Repository ====
'''This is the easy way, but you won't always get the latest version.'''
Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) includes the Mumble 1.1.x series in it's official repository. It's cloned from Debian testing before every Ubuntu release, so while it will lag slightly behind, it won't be by much. Just follow the directions for installing under Debian.
==== PPA Repository ====
'''This is a bit more to type, but should always be up-to-date.'''
As the packages in the official Ubuntu repository aren't always up-to-date, you can add an external PPA repository to your package manager. It should always include the newest stable version of Mumble and Murmur for i386 and amd64 architectures.
You will have to manually add the repositories for the PPA repository. Go to a command prompt and type
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
then add the following two lines to the bottom of the file
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/slicer/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/slicer/ubuntu hardy main
then run
sudo aptitude update
(replace ''hardy'' with ''gutsy'' or ''intrepid'' if you are on those distributions)
Afterward you can use the same command as for installing under Debian (see above).
More information about the PPA repository can be found at [https://launchpad.net/~slicer/+archive/ppa Launchpad]
===RPM-based distributions===
Fedora, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, etc. are RPM-based distributions. If their own official package repository doesn't have an up to date version or even no version at all of Mumble, then have a look at openSUSE's Build Service (http://software.opensuse.org).
There you can find many different RPM-builds for different distributions and architectures of Mumble. '''Note''' that these packages are not officially supported, but it should work.
Follow this link to see search results for "mumble": http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=mumble
Often you can install it with the RPM tool of your distribution or by typing (as root):
rpm -i mumble-1.1.7-i386.rpm
sudo apt-get install mumble-server
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
|message=The ''mumble-server''-Package in Ubuntu will start automatically on system-start.<br>
You can disable the autostart with systemd.
You find details in the file "README.Debian".
Depending on what other features you want compiled into it, check up on the possible USE-flags: http://www.gentoo-portage.com/media-sound/mumble/USE#ptabs
=== RHEL (and its derivatives, such as CentOS) ===
It's well possible that the Mumble ebuild is masked by the ~x86, ~amd64, or other keyword. Here, we make sure it will install anyways.
Please see the [[Install CentOS5]] page for both packaged and manual murmur installation instructions. Mumble is not easily built on this platform at this time, and there are no official packages (yet?).
Become root and do:
For CentOS 6 see the [[Install CentOS6]] page.
echo media-sound/mumble >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
emerge -av media-sound/mumble
To build out of git, use this ebuild:
For CentOS 7 see the [[Install CentOS7]] page.
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit eutils multilib qt4 git
DESCRIPTION="Voice chat software for gaming written in Qt4."
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
IUSE="alsa dbus debug g15 oss pch portaudio pulseaudio speech"
alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
dbus? ( x11-libs/qt-dbus:4 )
g15? ( app-misc/g15daemon )
portaudio? ( media-libs/portaudio )
pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
speech? ( app-accessibility/speech-dispatcher )"
src_configure() {
local conf_add
if has_version '<=sys-devel/gcc-4.2'; then
conf_add="${conf_add} no-pch"
use pch || conf_add="${conf_add} no-pch"
use alsa || conf_add="${conf_add} no-alsa"
use dbus || conf_add="${conf_add} no-dbus"
use debug && conf_add="${conf_add} symbols debug" || conf_add="${conf_add} release"
use g15 || conf_add="${conf_add} no-g15"
use oss || conf_add="${conf_add} no-oss"
use portaudio || conf_add="${conf_add} no-portaudio"
use pulseaudio || conf_add="${conf_add} no-pulseaudio"
use speech || conf_add="${conf_add} no-speechd"
eqmake4 "${S}/main.pro" -recursive \
CONFIG+="${conf_add} no-bundled-speex no-embed-qt-translations no-server no-xevie" \
DEFINES+="PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/mumble" \
|| die "eqmake4 failed."
src_install() {
newdoc README.Linux README || die "Installing docs failed."
dodoc CHANGES || die "Installing docs failed."
local dir
if use debug; then
dobin "${dir}"/mumble || die "Installing mumble binary failed."
CONF_LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)/mumble" dolib.so "${dir}"/lib*.so* || die "Installing libraries failed."
CONF_LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)/mumble" dolib.so "${dir}"/plugins/lib*.so* || die "Installing libraries failed."
insinto /usr/share/services
doins scripts/mumble.protocol || die "Installing mumble.protocol file failed."
dobin scripts/mumble-overlay || die "Installing overlay script failed."
newicon icons/mumble.64x64.png mumble.png || die "Installing icon failed."
make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Mumble" mumble "Qt;KDE;Network;Telephony;" \
|| die "Installing menu entry failed."
doman man/mumble-overlay.1 || die "Installing mumble-overlay manpage failed."
doman man/mumble.1 || die "Installing mumble manpage failed."
pkg_postinst() {
elog "Visit http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Audio_Tuning for futher configuration."
elog "Run mumble-overlay to start the OpenGL overlay (after starting mumble)."
=== Fedora ===
Depending on what other features you want compiled into it, check up on the possible USE-flags: http://www.gentoo-portage.com/media-sound/murmur/USE#ptabs
Install from Fedora Repositories:
It's well possible that the Murmur ebuild is masked by the ~x86, ~amd64, or other keyword. Here, we make sure it will install anyways.
To install mumble, run:
  dnf install mumble
Become root and do:
For the Mumble-Server, run:
echo media-sound/murmur >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
  dnf install murmur
emerge -av media-sound/murmur
To build out of git, use this ebuild:
There are additional packages available for the [[Overlay]] and Plugins:
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
* mumble-overlay
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
* mumble-plugins
inherit eutils qt4 git
DESCRIPTION="Voice chat software for gaming written in Qt4 (server)."
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~ia64"
IUSE="debug +ice logrotate pch"
|| ( x11-libs/qt-sql:4[sqlite] x11-libs/qt-sql:4[mysql] )
ice? ( dev-cpp/Ice dev-libs/boost )
logrotate? ( app-admin/logrotate )
pkg_setup() {
enewgroup murmur
enewuser murmur -1 -1 /var/lib/murmur murmur
src_prepare() {
sed -i \
-e 's:mumble-server:murmur:g' \
scripts/murmur.conf \
scripts/murmur.ini.system \
|| die "sed failed."
src_configure() {
local conf_add
use debug && conf_add="${conf_add} symbols debug" || conf_add="${conf_add} release"
use ice || conf_add="${conf_add} no-ice"
use pch || conf_add="${conf_add} no-pch"
eqmake4 main.pro -recursive \
CONFIG+="${conf_add} no-client no-bundled-speex" \
|| die "eqmake4 failed."
src_install() {
dodoc README CHANGES || die "Installing docs failed."
docinto scripts
dodoc scripts/*.php scripts/*.pl || die "Installing docs failed."
local dir
if use debug; then
dobin "${dir}"/murmurd || die "Installing murmurd binary failed."
insinto /etc/murmur/
newins scripts/murmur.ini.system murmur.ini || die "Installing murmur.ini configuration file failed."
if use logrotate; then
insinto /etc/logrotate.d/
newins "${FILESDIR}"/murmur.logrotate murmur || die "Installing murmur logrotate file failed."
insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
doins scripts/murmur.conf || die "Installing murmur.conf dbus configuration file failed."
newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/murmur.initd murmur || die "Installing murmur init.d file failed."
newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/murmur.confd murmur || die "Installing murmur conf.d file failed."
keepdir /var/lib/murmur /var/run/murmur /var/log/murmur
fowners -R murmur /var/lib/murmur /var/run/murmur /var/log/murmur || die "fowners failed."
fperms 750 /var/lib/murmur /var/run/murmur /var/log/murmur || die "fperms failed."
doman man/murmurd.1 || die "Installing murmur manpage failed."
pkg_postinst() {
elog "Useful scripts are located in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts."
elog "Please execute:"
elog "murmurd -ini /etc/murmur/murmur.ini -supw <pw>"
elog "chown murmur:murmur /var/lib/murmur/murmur.sqlite"
elog "to set the inbuild 'SuperUser' password before starting murmur."
elog "Please restart dbus before starting murmur,"
elog "or dbus registration will fail."
=== SUSE ===
Mumble packages are available from [http://software.opensuse.org/package/mumble software.opensuse.org].
You can follow these steps while running openSUSE:
# Open a web browser and go to [http://software.opensuse.org/package/mumble software.opensuse.org/package/mumble]
# Assuming you're running 32bit, click on '''1-Click Install''' located at the first result
# When asked to download a file, tell your browser you want to open the file
# Once YaST is opened, click ''Next'' (leave defaults), then ''Next'' again, and again
# Enter your root password if asked; Mumble will now download
# Click '''Finish'''
# To run Mumble:
## Open the Kickoff application launcher and type '''mumble''', then --> '''Run mumble'''
## Or: open a terminal and type '''mumble''' and press enter
A  stable PKGBUILD is available in the [http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=10221&K=mumble AUR]. Download the tarball and then run:
tar xzfv mumble*.tar.gz
cd mumble*
That should create a package for you. Of course, you need to install all the dependencies listed before. To do it in a single command:
''Note: If you are asked to accept a certificate just press '''OK'''''
pacman -S alsa-lib qt4 libxevie sqlite3 boost
''Note: Latest mumble version can usually be found at [http://software.opensuse.org/package/mumble opensuse.org] under "Show other versions" either at "openSUSE Factory" or under "Show unstable packages" of your openSUSE version.''
Finally, install the package:
Some packages can also be found in the [http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/lnussel:/mumble:/unstable/ Build Service].
  pacman -A mumble-1.0.0-1.pkg.tar.gz
=== Arch Linux ===
To install Mumble from the Arch Repositories, run:
  pacman -S mumble
Of course, replace the package name as appropriate.
For the Mumble Server (aka Murmur):
pacman -S murmur
If you want to test a SVN Snapshot, use this [http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23369 PKGBUILD] in the [http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23369 AUR]. Use [http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt Yaourt] or the instructions above.
There are also unstable packages available in the [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository AUR]:
* Mumble Unstable (updated directly from Git): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mumble-git/
* Mumble-Server Unstable (updated directly from Git): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/murmur-git/
==Mac OS X==
=== Mandriva/ROSA/Unity ===
Precompiled Mac OS X universal binaries are available from the [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147372 SourceForge downloads page].
Mumble is available since 2010.0.
You can also build it from source yourself if you wish. See [[BuildingMacOSX]] for more information.
urpmi mumble
It's best to install the package from Cooker - it has many fixes.
If you want to get the latest snapshots for Mumble and Murmur, you can find those [http://mumble.info/snapshot/ here]. These include the latest builds of Mumble and Murmur for Windows, and static builds of Murmur for Linux.
=== Snap Package (for various Distributions) ===
=Post-installation tips=
An Snap Package is available: https://snapcraft.io/mumble<br>
==Common tips==
===Initializing/Resetting Murmur SuperUser password===
murmur -supw <password>
That will change the password for SuperUser, a special user that has all rights.
If you want to reset the entire database, just delete murmur.sqlite and the recreate it with the command above.
===Registering a User===
It is maintained by a third-party: the Snapcrafters.
There are many ways to register a user using DBus or ICE but if you simply want to add a user from the server locally without setting up a webserver you can run a DBus script:
[http://mumble.sourceforge.net/DBus_scripts#Windows DBus bat script for Windows]
=== Flatpak Package (for various Distributions) ===
===Making Sound File===
A Flatpak Package is available: https://www.flathub.org/apps/details/info.mumble.Mumble
=== Building Mumble ===
The Text-To-Speech voices that ship by default with Windows are not all that good (and if you are not English, its even worse as it will try to speak english even when the text is not). If you have installed either MS Office or the Speech SDK, you will get more voices which can be configured from the Speech control panel. You can also buy a commercial Text-To-Speech engine; as long as it's SAPI5 compatible it can be used by Mumble. The main developers are currently using NeoSpeech Kate (buyable standalone from [http://www.nextup.com NextUp]).
===Creating a server connection shortcut===
If all of the above options fail to work, you can always try to [[BuildingLinux|compile Mumble from source]], however installing a package is considered "best practice".
You can right click on your desktop and choose "New" and pick "Shortcut" from the sub-menu.
In the box that says "Type the location of the item" put "mumble://username:password@servername/channel"
replacing the "username" with the name you log into the murmur server with (or omitting it and mumble will ask you for a user name), replacing "servername" with the DNS name or IP address of the murmur server.  "Channel" may be omitted if you want to connect to the root channel.  If a password is not specified mumble will request one from you when it attempts to connect.  The bare minimum required for the shortcut would be "mumble://servername" with mumble requesting a username and a password upon attempting to connect to "servername".  This format would also be used to embed a link to your murmur server in a web page, perhaps in the members section of a clan home page.  
===It complains about mumble_ol.dll / Problems with Overlay===
== BSD ==
If you are running XP you will need to update it to SP2.
=== FreeBSD ===  
To install Mumble:
=== Murmur dies when I log out! How can I get Murmur to stay on all the time? ===
pkg install mumble
If you've noticed that the Murmur server dies when you log out of Windows, this is expected. If you want Murmur to run all the time, it'll need to be ran as a service. Fortunately, this is really easy to do! For the purposes of this write-up, the service we are creating is Murmur Demo. You may call it something else if you so choose.
Some references you'll see int his write-up:
To install Murmur:
instsrv.exe - A program that adds services to the Windows registry.
pkg install murmur
srvany.exe - A program that allows any Windows application and some Windows 16-bit applications to run as a service.
To enable Murmur:
'''The HOW-TO'''
sysrc murmur_enable="YES"
Step 1: Gain Administrator access on the machine running Murmur.
=== OpenBSD ===
To install Mumble:
Step 2: Download and install the following collection of tools from Microsoft to the default directory (C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits):
pkg_add mumble
[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9d467a69-57ff-4ae7-96ee-b18c4790cffd&displaylang=en Windows 2003 Server Resource Kit].
To install the Mumble-Server (Murmur):
Step 3: Open a command console (Start >> Accessories >> Command Prompt).
pkg_add murmur
Step 4: If you have installed to the default directory, type the following:
To enable Mumble-Server:
  "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\instsrv.exe" "Murmur" "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe"
  rcctl enable murmurd
The result of this step is a new service in the Services console (Start >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services).
{{Notice|message=The murmur package became available with the release of OpenBSD 6.7 and doesn't exist in OpenBSD 6.6 and previous releases.}}
'''Be sure to close the Services console before proceeding.'''
== Smartphones ==
Step 5: Open the registry editor (Start >> Run and enter "regedit") and navigate to the following key:
=== Android ===
[[Mumla]] is an unofficial client (by Quite), it's the successor of deprecated Plumble.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Murmur Demo
Step 6: Right click on the key name ("Murmur Demo") in the left panel of regedit, and from the menu that pops up, select New >> Key.
Step 7: Name this new key "Parameters"
Step 8: Right click on the key name ("Parameters") in the left panel of regedit, and from the menu that pops up, select New >> String value.
Step 9: Name this new String value "Application".
Step 10: Right click on the String value ("Application) in the right panel of regedit, and from the menu that pops up, select Modify. Change the value from blank to the full path to your murmur.exe file.
Repeat steps 8 through 10, making a second String value called "AppDirectory" and set its value to the full directory path of your murmur.exe file.
Step 11: Close Regedit
Step 12: Open the Services console. Navigate to your service, and right click it and select Properties.
Step 13: Make sure the Startup Type value is Automatic, and then press the Start button.
At this point, the server should launch, although you probably won't see it. You can test to see if it's working by trying to connect to it using your client.
If your server did start, congratulations, you're done. You should be able to logoff and reboot the machine if you want, with Murmur pesisting through both.
If your server did not start, recheck your settings. Most problems are related to typos in configuration settings.
===Getting the Shortcuts Suppression to work===
You need to have Xevie enabled in your xorg.conf. To do this you will have to add the following line to xorg.conf, in the extensions section:
It has many features in addition to the Mumble's ones, such as: bluetooth headset support, proximity sensor utilizing "Voice Call" mode and hardware push-to-talk key support.
Option        "XEVIE" "Enable"
You can download Mumla on [https://f-droid.org/packages/se.lublin.mumla/ F-Droid] and on the [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.lublin.mumla Google Playstore].
That should like something like this:
=== iPhone ===
{{Notice|message=The iOS client is outdated!}}
Section "Extensions"
The Mumble iOS client is available [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mumble/id443472808?mt=8 on the App Store].
    Option        "XEVIE" "Enable"
Then restart the X server (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace) and try again.
You can find more information about the iOS client from the [https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble-iphoneos mumble-iphoneos GitHub repo]. Any help with the project is always appreciated.
[[Category:Documentation English]]
[[Category:Documentation English]]

Revision as of 13:12, 4 July 2020

Download and Install Mumble and Mumble-Server (aka Murmur)


Download the latest stable version of Mumble from the Official Website.
The installer will guide you through the installation and configuration of Mumble.

Alternatively you can download and run the latest MSI installer (mumble-1.x.x.msi; "winx64" for the 64-bit version) from the GitHub releases page.
Note: Releases that include the term "RC" are Release Candidates and therefore Test Versions.

Mumble-Server (aka Murmur):
The Mumble-Installer includes an option to install the Mumble-Server.

Mac OS X

Download the latest stable version of Mumble from the Official Website.

Alternatively you can download the latest version from the: GitHub releases page.
Note: Releases that include the term "RC" are Release Candidates and therefore Test Versions.

In order to be able to use the Overlay it has to be installed separately.
To install it: launch Mumble, go into Mumble's settings -> Overlay section and you should see an option to install it.
The reason for the separate installation is that Mumble itself does not need administrative rights to install, but the overlay does.

Mumble-Server (aka Murmur):
You can download a static version of the Mumble-Server from the Official Website.


On the most popular Linux distributions, Mumble should be available in the official repositories or third-party repositories.
For Details, take a look at the distribution-sections below.
If no package is available, take a look at the Snap- and Flatpak-packages below (which will run on various distributions) or you can try to compile Mumble, see Section: Building-Mumble.


To install Mumble from the Debian Repository, run:

apt-get install mumble

For the Mumble-Server, run:

apt-get install mumble-server
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The mumble-server-Package on Debian and Debian-based distributions (i.a. Ubuntu) will start automatically on system-start.

You can disable the autostart with systemd.

You find details in the file "README.Debian".


The Ubuntu Repositories include a Mumble version from the time when the Ubuntu Version was released, thus it might be outdated.
We also maintain a PPA (stable) with the recent versions of Mumble.
If you want to try the latest development version, you can use the: (dev snapshots)

To add the PPA use:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mumble/release
sudo apt-get update

To install the client you can use:

sudo apt-get install mumble

to install and configure the server use:

sudo apt-get install mumble-server
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
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The mumble-server-Package in Ubuntu will start automatically on system-start.

You can disable the autostart with systemd.

You find details in the file "README.Debian".

RHEL (and its derivatives, such as CentOS)

Please see the Install CentOS5 page for both packaged and manual murmur installation instructions. Mumble is not easily built on this platform at this time, and there are no official packages (yet?).

For CentOS 6 see the Install CentOS6 page.

For CentOS 7 see the Install CentOS7 page.


Install from Fedora Repositories:

To install mumble, run:

 dnf install mumble

For the Mumble-Server, run:

 dnf install murmur

There are additional packages available for the Overlay and Plugins:

  • mumble-overlay
  • mumble-plugins


Mumble packages are available from software.opensuse.org.

You can follow these steps while running openSUSE:

  1. Open a web browser and go to software.opensuse.org/package/mumble
  2. Assuming you're running 32bit, click on 1-Click Install located at the first result
  3. When asked to download a file, tell your browser you want to open the file
  4. Once YaST is opened, click Next (leave defaults), then Next again, and again
  5. Enter your root password if asked; Mumble will now download
  6. Click Finish
  7. To run Mumble:
    1. Open the Kickoff application launcher and type mumble, then --> Run mumble
    2. Or: open a terminal and type mumble and press enter

Note: If you are asked to accept a certificate just press OK

Note: Latest mumble version can usually be found at opensuse.org under "Show other versions" either at "openSUSE Factory" or under "Show unstable packages" of your openSUSE version.

Some packages can also be found in the Build Service.

Arch Linux

To install Mumble from the Arch Repositories, run:

pacman -S mumble

For the Mumble Server (aka Murmur):

pacman -S murmur

There are also unstable packages available in the AUR:


Mumble is available since 2010.0.

urpmi mumble

It's best to install the package from Cooker - it has many fixes.

Snap Package (for various Distributions)

An Snap Package is available: https://snapcraft.io/mumble

It is maintained by a third-party: the Snapcrafters.

Flatpak Package (for various Distributions)

A Flatpak Package is available: https://www.flathub.org/apps/details/info.mumble.Mumble

Building Mumble

If all of the above options fail to work, you can always try to compile Mumble from source, however installing a package is considered "best practice".



To install Mumble:

pkg install mumble

To install Murmur:

pkg install murmur

To enable Murmur:

sysrc murmur_enable="YES"


To install Mumble:

pkg_add mumble

To install the Mumble-Server (Murmur):

pkg_add murmur

To enable Mumble-Server:

rcctl enable murmurd
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The murmur package became available with the release of OpenBSD 6.7 and doesn't exist in OpenBSD 6.6 and previous releases.



Mumla is an unofficial client (by Quite), it's the successor of deprecated Plumble.

It has many features in addition to the Mumble's ones, such as: bluetooth headset support, proximity sensor utilizing "Voice Call" mode and hardware push-to-talk key support.

You can download Mumla on F-Droid and on the Google Playstore.


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The iOS client is outdated!

The Mumble iOS client is available on the App Store.

You can find more information about the iOS client from the mumble-iphoneos GitHub repo. Any help with the project is always appreciated.