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mumo - The Mumble Moderator

Please refer to our repository README file for documentation.

3rd Party Modules

Image Injection Modules

URL to image

urltoimg on GitHub

If you send an image URL to the channel, the server fetches it and sends the image instead of the image link to the current channel.

Chat Img

chatimg on GitHub

A more full featured implementation of the same functionality as Url to Image. Allows injection of photos into chat, re-sizing them if they are larger then the size accepted by the mumble protocol and allowing the server admin to set a max width/height for the image so that it is scaled through html or thumbnailing to never be larger then prescribed. Allows the conversion of images within regular chat messages w/o bang commands as an option. Finally the injection of any number of images present after the bang or within a message.

Message forwarder

messageforwarder on GitHub

Forwards messages to all linked channels.

Wrong Version

wrongversion on GitHub

Users with older Mumble versions will get a message (triggering version is configurable).


lowbandwidth-channel on GitHub

Creates a Low bw channel whenever a member of group "bots" enters a room and removes it later if empty...


mumo-videoinfo on GitHub

Mumo plugin to provide YouTube video information to Mumble.

Set Status

setstatus on GitHub

Users can add a temporary status to your username via chat command.

Deaf to AFK

deaftoafk on GitHub

Moves deafened users into an AFK channel.

Anti recording

If a user starts to record in Mumble they will be deafened or kicked from the server.

Max users

mumo-maxusers on GitHub

This is a MuMo module to provide an administrator the capability of enforcing granular user limits by channel in mumble.


mumo-opcommand on GitHub

Temporarily add user or remove user to/from a group via GUI command line.


A user who gets the sticky status can't do more than sitting in one special channel. Even admins will loose their permissions while sticked.


antiflood on GitHub

If a user exceeds a limit of actions within a timeframe (both can be changed) they will be kicked from the server.


getsupport on GitHub

A user can write for example "!helpme support message up to 160 characters..." to a channel/user/themselves and everyone on the server who is member of a special group gets a notification.


os-suffixes on GitHub

Adds suffixes to user names based on operating system.


mumo-password on GitHub

"Generates a random password for mumble which expires in 30 minutes."


mumo-chatlogger on GitHub

"Logs server chats and makes them accessible to the users as a history"


registerusers-contextmenu on GitHub

"Ability to define one or more groups whose users are able to register new users on a server by right clicking them."


welcomemessage on GitHub

"Displays a welcome message depending on registration, new user ..."


If you have a module that you would like to see shipped with mumo or have any improvements or suggestions please contact us. Whether you prefer a pull request, visiting us in IRC in #mumble on Freenode or starting a thread in our forums at is up to you.


To configure and run mumo take a look at the mumo.ini and the module specific configurations in modules-available folder. Enabling modules is done by linking the configuration in modules-available to the modules-enabled folder.


mumo requires:

- python 2.7*
- python-zeroc-ice
- murmur >=1.2.3*
- murmur >=1.2.4 if you want to use a module which needs user interaction via text commands
  • Not tested with lower versions yet

Installing mumo

The newest version of mumo is always available from our mumo repository at .


A docker image can be run with the command:

   docker run --name mumo --net=container:<id_of_mumble_server_container> -d -v /path/to/mumo/folder:/data mumblevoip/mumo

This is the base of the mumo service. It's allow addition of new module.


- the service network-mode is mandatory to link mumble and mumo. Ice need to be in mumble-server localhost.
- the volume is to store all modules and configurations, you can add yours here. Subfolders will be automatically created ad first start.
- When you add new modules, you need the restart the container.

Here a docker-compose(v2.4) example:

       image: mumblevoip/mumo
       container_name: mumble-mumo
       restart: on-failure
           - /path/to/mumo/folder:/data
       network_mode : "service:mumble-server"
           - mumble-server

Ubuntu 12.04

Note: This guide only shows the basic steps for trying out mumo. For a more permanent setup you'll want to run mumo with its own user and a startup script.

  • Make sure you are running a recent Murmur release (1.2.4 or later). Ice should be enabled and a writesecret must be set (see configuration file).
  • Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-zeroc-ice python-daemon git
  • Clone repository
cd ~/
git clone
  • Adjust configuration
cd mumo
nano mumo.ini

In the editor set your server's Ice writesecret as the secret variable so mumo can control your server.

secret = mysecretwritesecret

Close and save by pressing Ctrl + X followed by Y and Enter.

  • Configure the modules you want to use by editing their ini file in the modules-available folder
  • Enable modules by linking their config file into the modules-enabled folder
cd modules-enabled
ln -s ../modules-available/moduleyouwanttouse.ini
  • Run mumo

Mumo should now be working with your mumble server. If it doesn't work check the mumo.log file for more information.