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Please refer to our repository README file for documentation.

Installing mumo

The newest version of mumo is always available from our mumo repository at .


A docker image can be run with the command:

   docker run --name mumo --net=container:<id_of_mumble_server_container> -d -v /path/to/mumo/folder:/data mumblevoip/mumo

This is the base of the mumo service. It's allow addition of new module.


- the service network-mode is mandatory to link mumble and mumo. Ice need to be in mumble-server localhost.
- the volume is to store all modules and configurations, you can add yours here. Subfolders will be automatically created ad first start.
- When you add new modules, you need the restart the container.

Here a docker-compose(v2.4) example:

       image: mumblevoip/mumo
       container_name: mumble-mumo
       restart: on-failure
           - /path/to/mumo/folder:/data
       network_mode : "service:mumble-server"
           - mumble-server

Ubuntu 12.04

Note: This guide only shows the basic steps for trying out mumo. For a more permanent setup you'll want to run mumo with its own user and a startup script.

  • Make sure you are running a recent Murmur release (1.2.4 or later). Ice should be enabled and a writesecret must be set (see configuration file).
  • Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-zeroc-ice python-daemon git
  • Clone repository
cd ~/
git clone
  • Adjust configuration
cd mumo
nano mumo.ini

In the editor set your server's Ice writesecret as the secret variable so mumo can control your server.

secret = mysecretwritesecret

Close and save by pressing Ctrl + X followed by Y and Enter.

  • Configure the modules you want to use by editing their ini file in the modules-available folder
  • Enable modules by linking their config file into the modules-enabled folder
cd modules-enabled
ln -s ../modules-available/moduleyouwanttouse.ini
  • Run mumo

Mumo should now be working with your mumble server. If it doesn't work check the mumo.log file for more information.