Talk:Main Page

From Mumble Wiki
Revision as of 14:58, 15 December 2013 by Kissaki0 (talk | contribs) (Please add some important links on the main page like "Building from Source", "Server HOWTO": - remove block asking for build guide and murmur setup guide - we have both by now, linked to from th)
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Add this video on main page

This video or similar: / People must know the difference!

It will not land on the mainpage. Could be added to a different page on this wiki though, that talks about latency/latency comparison. -Kissaki 14:29, 15 December 2013 (UTC)

Re: Please add some important links on the main page...

I couldn't agree more. And of course the should be displayed in a somewhat organized way. On a sidenote: The mainpage is not editable by "normal" users, i can see that this may be on purpose, because of Spam protection, but calls to use/contribute to the wiki, as heared in the forums, make not that much sense if the pages are not linked in.

No specific clue for the layout but here are some examples:


Server Setup

Client Setup


Re: Please add some important links on the main page...

I created Installing Mumble so most important information about installing is in one page. Maybe it's useful to add it to the main page, or replace the current links (building) with it (the page already includes links to the building pages). As it is now it may appear that you have to compile mumble and that there are no binaries available. And there is a little typo in Server configuration (f missing)

This has been added since. -Kissaki

Link to Dissussionforums should be updated

I still think more links are necessary. Most of the pages don't get much attention. So the main page doesn't get filled with a bunch of links, I suggest including a link to All pages. That will put it in plain view of everyone instead of hidden in the "Special pages" link on the left menu where I'm sure a large majority of people don't know about it. --Pilot 51 06:20, 11 October 2007 (PDT)

We will not link to the all pages page. That would be way too much unuseful information for pretty much all users. Instead, we should make the main page include the important links in a categorized manner. -Kissaki

Please add 3rd Party Applications to Main Page

A lot people request links for 3rd Party Applications on IRC and forum. It would be very helpful, when they can find a link to the 3rd Party Applications page on the Main Page. In here: Documentaion => Server => Addons (