Template:Iconbox begin

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Revision as of 06:02, 23 April 2014 by Natenom (talk | contribs) (iconbox begin)
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Icons oxygen 48x48 actions view-pim-notes.png


  • type= error|information|warning|tag|tip|download
    Default is note.
    tip and note have a "tip|note" label in the first line; to replace it use label=foo. Use nolabel=true to disable it.
  • shadow= yes|no
    Default is no
  • border-style=
    CSS definition of border-style property.
    Default is solid
    To disable set it to none.
  • width= anything css understands (px, %, em)
    Default is nothing which sets width to 100% of the parent.
  • display=
    CSS definition of display property.
    Default is <not defined>.
  • margin=
    Default is margin-top: 1.5em.
  • nolabel= true|false
    Default is false

You also need Template:Iconbox end.

Types and examples


Default if no type was given is note but without a possibilty to set a label.

 {{Iconbox begin}}Default{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 actions view-pim-notes.png


 {{Box|type=warning|border-style=none|shadow=yes}}Warning{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 status task-attention.png


 {{Iconbox begin|type=information|display=inline-block}}Information{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 status dialog-information.png
Information text foo


 {{Iconbox begin|type=error|width=60%}}Here is really much. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here.
There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here.
There is really much text here. <br />To show you that the this box contains of a left div for<br />the icon and a right div for the content.{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 status task-reject.png
Here is really much. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here. There is really much text here.
To show you that the this box contains of a left div for
the icon and a right div for the content.


 {{Iconbox begin|type=tag|shadow=yes|width=30%}}Tag{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 status mail-tagged.png


 {{Iconbox begin|type=note|border-style=dotted}}Note{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 actions view-pim-notes.png
Note text foo bar


 {{Iconbox begin|type=tip|width=20em}}Tip{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 apps ktip.png
 {{Iconbox begin|type=tip|width=20em|label=TESTBAL}}Tip{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 apps ktip.png
 {{Iconbox begin|type=tip|width=20em|nolabel=true}}Tip{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 apps ktip.png


 {{Iconbox begin|type=download}}Download{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 devices drive-harddisk.png

Side by side

 {{Iconbox begin|type=download|display=inline-block}}Download{{Iconbox end}}
{{Iconbox begin|type=error|border-style=dotted|display=inline-block|margin=0 5em 0 5em}}Error<br />''margin=0 5em 0 5em''{{Iconbox end}}
{{Iconbox begin|type=information|width=150px|display=inline-block}}Information{{Iconbox end}}
Icons oxygen 48x48 devices drive-harddisk.png
Icons oxygen 48x48 status task-reject.png
margin=0 5em 0 5em
Icons oxygen 48x48 status dialog-information.png

Minimal width

To not have the width of 100% use also display:inline-block;.

Icons oxygen 48x48 devices drive-harddisk.png
Download text example foo