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Building Guides

This page is one of a set of Building pages/guides for the different OSes with information on building Mumble/Murmur.

BuildingLinux BuildingFreeBSD BuildingOpenBSD BuildingMacOSX BuildingWindows


Mumble has quite a few dependencies for building on Windows, and as the feature set grows, so does the list of dependencies. This page will try to detail the steps required to set up a Win32 build environment suitable for compiling the current code found in our repository. Be aware that these steps might not work for older revisions of Mumble as dependencies might have been removed or updated to an incompatible version in the meantime. Note that you must follow each step in order, or you will have problems.

The paths used here equal the defaults assumed in the Mumble build files. You are free to change them, but you might need to adjust the build files themselves. If you find any problems or incorrect steps in this article please either correct them or contact us and we will try our best to resolve the issue.

Also note, that if you are submitting a bug report for a self-built executable, we expect you to either

  • Follow these instructions to the letter


  • Report any deviations from these instructions

Deviations means anything, from "I installed to the D: drive" to "I changed the gcc build options for Qt" or "I used another version of Speex".

A note to those following this guide: When you extract compressed files, sometimes they will have container folders and sometimes they will not. Please ensure (for example) that when you extract a compressed file like protobuf-2.2.0.zip, you see "bin" "include" and such folders as that directly inside of the folder named "protobuf-2.2.0". If you just see one folder and no other files, then you need to open that folder, and use the folder that is inside of it.

Also remember that this guide may not be updated every single time a build dependency gets updated. It's up to you to make sure that you have the latest versions on the various dependencies; it would also be appreciated if you would update this wiki to reflect any changes you run into.

Software which you will need

Tools: Visual Studio 2010 Express, Git for Windows, ActivePerl, NASM

Optional Tools: TortoiseGIT, Notepad++, 7-Zip

Dependencies: Protocol Buffers, Boost, OpenSSL, zlib, libsndfile, Microsoft Windows SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK

Optional:, Bonjur (requires account), G15SDK (included in the Gaming Software), MySQL, (Visual Leak Detector), ZeroC Ice , ASIO SDK (requires Account)


Mumble <- boost
       <- protobuf
       <- openssl   <- zlib
                    <- perl
       <- libsndfile

       // optional:
       <- ice
       <- (vld)
       <- bonjour
       <- asio
       <- g15sdk
       <- mysql


Tools Used in Compiling

Visual Studio

You'll need Visual Studio 2010 (or Visual C++ Express Edition) with SP1 or later.

Visual Studio 2010 trials: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/try

Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-cpp-express


Download the most recent Git from http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list and install it. Make sure you select "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt."

After you install Git, start a command prompt and run

git config --global core.autocrlf true
Elaboration: This will ensure line endings of text files you commit will be converted to LF line-endings (see). The Mumble repository uses LF line endings only! This setting will also make Git convert LF to the system native line-endings for your working directory.


TortoiseGit is a GUI frontend for Git. You can install this along with the one above for realtime information about changes to the Git code.

ActivePerl and NASM

Download and install ActivePerl from here: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/

Download and install NASM from here: http://www.nasm.us/

7-Zip and Notepad++

Get 7-Zip here. After you install it, start the 7-Zip File Manager, go to Tools -> Options, and select the file associations you want. We recommend selecting .zip and .7z file extensions.

Notepad++. After you install Notepad++, start it, go to Preferences -> New Document/Default Directory, and check "Unix" in the Format box.

Libraries and Depedencies


Download the Bonjour SDK from Apple site (Apple account is required) and install it to its default install location.

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Bonjour can be disabled by passing CONFIG+=no-bonjour to qmake. Compiling without Bonjour support means that you do not need the SDK at all.


Download the G15 software from here: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/434/3498?section=downloads&WT.ac=sc%7Cdownloads%7C%7Cdd and install it.

Now go to C:\Program Files\Logitech Gaming Software\LCDSDK and extract "LCDSDK_3.06.109.zip". Take the folder that has been extracted and rename it to G15SDK. Put this folder into c:\dev.

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Support for G15 Displays can be disabled by passing CONFIG+=no-g15 to qmake. The G15 software is not necessary if you're compiling without G15 support.


Download the 32-bit Windows installer from http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/#Download and install it to its default install location.

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This dependency is not needed for the server.

Microsoft Windows SDK

At the time of writing this, the latest version is the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4". Download it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/bb980924.aspx .

Install it to a location of your choice. The “Documentation” and “Samples” in the SDK are not required for Mumble and can be left out to speed up the installation.

After installing the Windows SDK you must make sure Visual Studio uses it. Start the WindowsSdkVer.exe utility in the SDK's setup folder and change the used version to 7.X. If you get an error that says you don't have VS2005 or VS2008 installed see on how to fix it.

Microsoft DirectX SDK

Download the DirectX SDK from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812. Install it to the default location.


Download the latest release of MySQL Server (x86, 32-bit). It can be found here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ (select "Without installer (unzip in C:\)"). Unzip it to c:\dev\MySQL.

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Compiling Qt (and thus Mumble) without MySQL support means you don’t need MySQL at all.

Protocol Buffers

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You must have Visual Studio (see above) installed.
  • Open protobuf-x.y.z\vsprojects\protobuf.sln
  • Find a dropdown box at the top right of VS2010 that says "Debug" on it. Change that to "Release"
  • Right click the "Solution 'protobuf' (9 projects)" at the top left of VS2010 and select "Batch Build..." Click "Select All," then click "Build".
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You'll get errors, but for our purposes, you can ignore them

Now run the file C:\dev\protobuf-x.y.z\vsprojects\extract_includes.bat.

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The release version (x.y.z) in prep.bat (introduced later) has to match the version in the directory name or you (/the compilation process) won't be able to call protoc.exe.

Visual Leak Detector (optional)

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VLD is no longer a default requirement for a Mumble build environment. You only have to install it if you want to use it in which case you have to manually enable it with CONFIG+=vld.

Download VLD and install it to its default install location.

If you're using Visual C++ Express Edition, you will need to manually extract the files using a tool like 7-zip . Extract it to C:\dev\ and adjust the VLD_PATH to point to it.

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VLD is only enabled for debug builds. If you only compile Release builds you do not need it.

ZeroC Ice

Download Ice version 3.4.2 of ZeroC Ice from http://www.zeroc.com/download.html. Install to the default install location.

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Ice can be disabled by passing CONFIG+=no-ice to qmake. Bear in mind that the Ice RPC Interface is the recommended way to control the server. This dependency is not needed for building the client.

Create Prep

Create C:\dev, and inside that directory create a file prep.cmd containing:

@echo off
SET DIR=c:\dev

  GOTO amd64
) ELSE (
  GOTO x86

GOTO Common

GOTO Common

CALL "%PROGPATH%\Microsoft Visual Studio %VSVER%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
CALL "%DXSDK_DIR%\Utilities\bin\dx_setenv.cmd" x86
SET PATH=%QT_DIR%\bin;%DIR%\OpenSSL\bin;%PROGPATH%\Mega-Nerd\libsndfile\bin;%MYSQL_DIR%\lib;%ICE_DIR%\bin\vc100;%DIR%\protobuf-2.4.0a\vsprojects\Release;%NASM_DIR%;%VLD_DIR%\bin;%PATH%
TITLE Mumble Development Environment

if "%1"=="" (
  cmd /V:ON
  exit /b

Now create a shortcut to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K "..\prep.cmd" on your desktop. Edit its properties to make it Start in C:\dev\mumble.

Alternatively, you can use the advanced script BuildingWindows/mde.cmd (download) which allows you to set it up in its head (vs-ver and paths of your environment), and additionally to preparing your environment provides some git and building commands.

Custom Dependency Paths

The build files were modified to support custom dependency paths a while ago. This is for the people who have the dependencies installed in some other place than the C:\dev directory structure. To specify the custom paths you need to create a winpaths_custom.pri file to the root of your Mumble project. In this file you can override all paths found in winpaths_default.pri. For example:

 OPENSSL_PATH = /dev/MyOpenSSLIsSomewhereElse
 ICE_PATH = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ZeroC\\Ice-3.4.1

Would make the build process search its OpenSSL and Ice dependencies in the specified folders and use defaults for everything else. Note that you should only override the variables for dependencies you actually installed in non-default locations to prevent clashes with possible future updates.

Note: If you copied winpaths_default.pri to create your winpaths_custom.pri make sure to delete the following lines from your winpaths_custom.pri file:

# Include custom file if it exists
exists(winpaths_custom.pri) {

Commandline Instructions

Whenever something appears

like this

you're supposed to enter it in that command shell (or copy it from this webpage and right click in the command window and select Paste).

Note that each line is a separate command. So, if you wanted to do the following,

cd mumble

you would type "cd mumble" in your command prompt, and press enter, and then you would type "prep", and press enter.

Ok. So you're ready to start compiling.

Start a new command shell (run cmd.exe)

cd \dev

After you run prep make sure a message similar to "Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools" appears.

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If you set up a shortcut like described in the section above you can open it and it will run prep automatically.

When you later want to compile a dependency or program, always remember to call prep.bat first to set paths correctly.

Compile Mumble Dependencies


Download the most recent Windows version of the Boost C++ libraries and unzip it to c:\dev

cd \dev 
cd boost_*
b2 --toolset=msvc-10.0 --prefix=C:\dev\Boost install

This might take a while (like hour), but when done you'll have Boost installed.

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If you get the warning, that some targets were skipped or failed, it can be ignored for our purposes.
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None of the other build dependencies do themselves depend on boost (meaning: only Mumble does), so if you want you can just continue with the other dependencies in a new command shell (but remember to call prep.bat).
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Once all is done, you can safely delete the boost_* directory.


Download zlib source and unpack it to C:\dev and rename the zlib-x.y.z folder to zlib

Download the OpenSSL source named "openssl-1.0.0d.tar.gz" and unpack it to c:\dev (it will create a directory called openssl-x.y.z)

cd c:\dev\openssl<press tab>
perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:\dev\OpenSSL zlib-dynamic --with-zlib-include=c:\\dev\\zlib
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak test

Make sure all the tests passed, then run:

nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
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You can remove the c:\dev\openssl-x.y.z folder after this.


Checkout the Mumble Qt git repo to C:\dev\QtMumble:

cd c:\dev
git clone git://gitorious.org/+mumble-developers/qt/mumble-developers-qt.git QtMumble

Switch to the 4.8-mumble branch:

cd QtMumble
git checkout --track -b 4.8-mumble origin/4.8-mumble
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For the latest Mumble Git, change the above "4.8" to the latest version listed here under branches.

Now for compilation configuration and compilation itself execute

configure -debug-and-release -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-mysql -no-qt3support -no-exceptions -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -openssl -I c:\dev\OpenSSL\include -L c:\dev\OpenSSL\lib -I c:\dev\MySQL\include -L c:\dev\MySQL\lib -platform win32-msvc2010 -no-dbus -nomake demos -nomake examples -no-webkit -ltcg -mp
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The directory syntax for the configure parameter listed above is case sensitive. -L c:\dev\mysql\lib is different from -L c:\dev\MySQL\lib
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Compiling Qt will take a while. So if you want to compile Mumble without MySQL support, leave the -qt-sql-mysql parameter out (on the configure call). If you do this, please also remove the -I c:\dev\MySQL\include -L c:\dev\MySQL\lib section.
Elaboration: The -ltcg and -mp (multi-process compilation) parameters being passed are optimizations that should speed up your compilation process.

Download, Compile and Run Mumble

Download Mumble and Submodules

To clone the repositories you must open Mumble Development Environment console and type:

git clone git://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble.git mumble && cd mumble && git submodule init && git submodule update

Compile Mumble and Murmur

Once all of the above is done we can get to compiling Mumble itself.

If you want to have ASIO support you have to install an additional, proprietary, ASIO SDK.

There are three dependencies that most people who make their own compiles will not need:

  1. g15
  2. asio
  3. bonjour

The bonjour dependency is useful if you want to browse servers across a local network, but you can disable it if this feature is not needed.

To compile Mumble without ASIO, G15, Bonjour, and with disabled privilege elevation (would require a valid code signing certificate) replace the qmake command below with this one:

qmake CONFIG-=sse2 CONFIG+=no-asio CONFIG+=no-g15 CONFIG+=no-bonjour CONFIG+=no-elevation -recursive
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The compile will fail if you leave out these build flags and do not have the SDK(s) required. You can pass no-client or no-server to only build the server or the client. Default will build both.

If you get errors about qt_*.ts files, then go to C:\dev\QtMumble\translations and copy and rename any qt_*.qm's to qt_*.ts.

To compile Mumble:

cd c:\dev\mumble
nmake clean
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If you get an error message stating that some boost includes can not be found, check the compiler.pri file in mumble/ to see if the path set in the first INCLUDEPATH matches the version number of boost (e.g. INCLUDEPATH *= "$$BOOST_PATH/include/boost-1_53/")

Note that this builds the debug versions, which is what we strongly recommend to use while developing. If you want to send the binary to someone else, use

nmake release

instead of the last nmake command listed above. This will result in a much smaller binary with fewer dependencies.

Run Mumble and Murmur

Once compiled, you can go into c:\dev\mumble\release or (\debug if you compiled the debug version) and can execute mumble.exe or murmur.exe. Before executing Mumble or Murmur you need to open a command prompt and do

cd \dev
cd mumble\debug (or release)

Then execute either Mumble or Murmur from the command prompt with




If you want to run the release build directly from Windows Explorer, you will need to collect all the library files into one folder, along with the executables you built when you compiled Mumble. Have a look at the files the official Mumble installer creates in Program Files\Mumble.

Build a Mumble installer package

If you want to create an installable .msi package from your self-compiled Mumble some additional steps are needed.

Download and install the latest WIX stable Version (currently 3.8) from here.

Set the following environment variables as needed (see defaults in installer/Settings.wxi):

 MumbleSourceDir  default: \dev\mumble
 MumbleQtDir  default: \dev\QtMumble
 MumbleDebugToolsDir  default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)
 MumbleSndFileDir  default: \Program Files (x86)\Mega-Nerd\libsndfile\bin
   Define MumbleNoSndFile to exclude  libsndfile
 MumbleMySQLDir  default: \dev\MySQL
   Define MumbleNoMySQL to exclude  MySQL
 MumbleIceDir  default: \Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.4.2\bin\vc100
   Define MumbleNoIce to exclude Ice
 MumbleOpenSslDir  default: \dev\openssl
 MumbleZlibDir  default: \dev\zlib
 MumbleMergeModuleDir  default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules
 Define MumbleSSE to include SSE
 Define MumbleNoSSE2 to exclude SSE2
 Define MumbleNoG15 to exclude G15

Open installer/MumbleInstall.sln, switch to release and build the installer.

Once this completed successfully run the build_installer.pl script to include all translations into your installer.

You should now have a working .msi installer.

Static Build

Since 1.2.5 we are distributing Mumble as a static build where the main Mumble app logic is provided in a DLL rather than the exe.

The static environment and builds should not be necessary for normal development and playing around.

Scripted Build

For our static build scripts see mumble-releng (Release Engineering) buildenv/win32-static.

In contrary to the environment setup in the above section(s) releng will use its own build environment in your home directory. For the build you can follow the README. If you have cygwin installed it should be a matter of starting a mumble buildenv cygwin console and running ./build-all.bash. Dependencies will be downloaded an compiled - this will take quite some time (especially Qt compilation).

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If your build of qt4 fails on the git clone or git reset commands (segfault/inflate data stream error/pack corrupt) try using non-cygwin git instead.

Manual Build

This section describes the necessary flags and steps - be aware though that our releng scripts will apply source patches on the fly when compiling, which you will have to apply yourself. With the below instructions alone your build will not succeed yet.

The Qt library (dependency) will have to be built with the *static* flag. Pass `static` to the `configure` call before building Qt.

To build Mumble statically add the static config property to the call to qmake.
