Developing is one way to contribute to the Mumble project.
You can help us review and clean/refactor our code, implement new features or update outdated ones (like our pos-audio plugins). You can then submit the patches to us and we will gladly review them and probably accept them. :)
Current Development
Non-Main (e.g. libs, mobile versions, etc):
- Git Webview of Mumble Source
- Git Webview of libmumbleclient (use for integrating with your application)
- Git Webview of iPhone Mumble Source
- mumo repository - mumo is the Mumble Moderator framework which is supposed to ease development of plugins connecting to Murmur via Ice. MuMo handles basic Ice connectivity and contains basic module loading and message multiplexing.
- mumble-scripts repository - A number of small but useful scripts
If you want to checkout the latest source code, just clone our git repository at git://
Developer How-To's
- How to provide patches
- How to build Mumble on Windows
- How to build Mumble on Linux
- How to build Mumble on Mac OS X
- How to build Mumble on FreeBSD
- Debugging
- How to add positional audio for a game
- How can I link/implement the Mumble 3D-positioning to my game? (for game developers)